Ministers and Spouses’ 2022 Retreat Registration Please complete all required fields! Thompson Lodge, Falls Creek March 25 – 26, 2022Early Day: March 24 Name(*) Invalid Input Email(*) Invalid Input Phone(*) Invalid Input Credentials(*) I am a licensed or ordained minister of the Heartland Conference of the IPHC Must indicate that you are a licensed or ordained minister of the conference to register My spouse will be attending(*) Yes No Invalid Input Spouse(*) Invalid Input Retreat Your Friday night stay, banquet and Saturday morning breakfast are paid by the Heartland Conference! No-Show Policy(*) I understand that I will be responsible for $160/couple or $120/single if I register and do not attend! Invalid Input Option 1 — Enjoy the Early Day You or your church can pay for you to come a night early! Many of our ministers do this since it allows for more relaxation! Send a check or make arrangements with our office to pay by credit card for the extra night. Early Day(*) Yes, I want to come early! No Invalid Input Room(*) Couple ($90) Single ($85) Invalid Input Breakfast Friday, March 25, 8:00-9:00 ($8.50/person) Invalid Input Lunch Friday, March 25, 12:00-1:30 ($10.00/person) Invalid Input Meal Cost Invalid Input Total Invalid Input Ministry Time Yes, I would like a special time for the prayer team to pray with me and share any prayer insights they receive! (If married, we welcome your spouse to join you in this special time) Invalid Input Option 2 — Stay a Night Later If you would like to stay over Saturday evening and Sunday, March 26 – 27, make arrangements directly with Falls Creek, 580-369-2101, and mention Heartland Conference. If everything is correct Submit Registration Invalid Input Print