Prayer Summit 2021
June 3 – 5, 2021
We are excited to announce Prayer Summit 2021 with IPHC Prayer Consultant Rev. Doug Small!
What is a Prayer Summit? A 48-hour prayer meeting limited to approximately 50 people. You’ll have time to eat and sleep, but other than that you will be praying. And you will be amazed at what God does in you and through you during that time!
We cannot promote the Prayer Summit the way we do a typical event. Each Prayer Summit is unique. And there’s nothing we can say to get people to attend. It is the Holy Spirit who invites. Many attendees testify that it is a life-changing event!

Rev. Small will do some masterful instruction and coaching, but the bulk of the Summit will be spent in prayer in all its wonderful forms. You will find yourself sitting, standing, kneeling, prostrate, crying out, weeping, rejoicing, and much more.
This event is limited to 50 people, and priority is given to Heartland Conference licensed and ordained ministers and their spouses (especially those who are leading their churches to become Houses of Prayer for all Nations.
Submit your application to attend by clicking the button below. We will identify the first 50 to register and let you know if you are included. We will maintain an alternate list in case anyone is not able to make it after registering. Be sure and check the box if you would be willing to be an alternate.
We hope to see you there!
Registration opens Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 12:00 pm CST.
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