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The call of God to be a minister is a treasure in an earthern vessel (2 Corinthians 4:7). Christ gave the gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher to His church, and we celebrate your unique giftings and role.

In the Heartland, we devote much of our ministry to ministers. We want to help you reach your full potential, so we partner with you in lasting friendships, spiritual refueling, ongoing education, and understanding the challenges that only a fellow minister can understand.

Christ urged us to pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest, so we are always looking for new ministers! If you feel the call of God on your life, let us walk with you on the path to receiving your credentials. We offer three levels of credentials — Local Church Ministers License, Minister’s License, and Ordination. We want to be your ministry family!

Ministers and Spouses’ Retreat 2022

Retreat logo


The Shepherd leads me beside waters of rest
and restores my soul!

King David in Psalm 23

Ministers and Spouses’ Retreat

The Thompson Lodge of Falls Creek Baptist camp (in Davis, OK)

Friday and Saturday, March 25 – 26, 2020
(If at all possible come a day early on Thursday, March 24)

Ministers need time for rest and refreshing. Shepherds need the tender care of the Shepherd to restore their souls to a place of wholeness. Our 8th Annual Ministers & Spouses’ Retreat is just such a time!

Online registration

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First Steps to Becoming a House of Prayer for All Nations

House of Prayer for All NationsWe are on a journey for our churches to become Houses of Prayer for All Nations. As we restore prayer to the position of priority it held in the early church, God will once again display a church of character and power to the world!

To help Heartland churches become Houses of Prayer for All Nations, we have five leaders who are being trained and Certified as Prayer Force coaches: Stuart and Sheri Sherrill, Terry Lowder, Steve Brown, and Dustin Gardner. Any of us leaders would love to work with you and your church in this process.

Read more: First Steps to Becoming a House of Prayer for All Nations

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Becoming a House of Prayer

Then He taught, saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’?”

Mark 11:17 (NKJV)

house of prayerNo doubt your heart longs to pray the way the early believers prayed, both individually and in groups large and small. They were men and women just like us. We can learn what they knew. As we pray with the same passion to the same God, we assuredly will see the Holy Spirit moving on the same level.

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Is Your Church a House of Prayer?

As we read the Newhouse of prayer for all nations Testament, we become aware rather quickly that the early church devoted herself to prayer. Some of this prayer was done alone as individuals. Some of it was done in groups small and large.

Let me make two observations on the church in America today:

Read more: Is Your Church a House of Prayer?

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Ministers, Spouses and Staff Encounter

Wayne and Margaret Callahan invite you to our next Encounter Retreat for ministers, spouses and staff. Many experience God, but few encounter Him.

2017 Encounter logo

September 28 – 29, 2018

  • Friday, September 28, 2:00 – 8:30 pm
  • Saturday,September 29, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Early registration is $40/person, due by September 9. Regular registration is $50/person.
  • Call the office for more information.

Read more: Ministers, Spouses and Staff Encounter

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