Allison Jones
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Missionaries from the Heartland Conference are reaching the world! Consider supporting our missionaries with prayer and giving!
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For 33 years, Dan and Brenda Clowers have served God through the IPHC as WMM missionaries to Latin America. While residing in Costa Rica, the Clowers serve as the Central American regional Directors. Their greatest desire is to see the Gospel spread and souls won that in turn become productive followers of Christ. This is being accomplished through evangelism outreaches and leadership training using the Great Commission Equipping Conferences supplied by WMM. In addition, the Clowers have hosted hundreds of building/medical/outreach teams and actively participate in them. As Regional Directors for the Central America region their focus of ministry is to five of the seven Central American countries, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. During the 2019 year this region has planted twenty-one new church plants for the Kingdom of God. Your prayers and partnership for the Clowers and our leaders in this region are greatly needed and greatly appreciated.
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The Riley family has a heart and calling for the continent of Africa. They will be working with the Regional Director of Southern Africa helping to network, train, and equip churches and local leaders in Southern Africa. They believe that the transformational power of the gospel, working in harmony with the Holy Spirit, is essential if the church is going to be successful in reaching the lost. Their desire is for the church in Africa to be a unified, spirit-filled, disciple-making and missionary sending body.
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Jeff and Kimberly Oeder are based in Santa Ana, Costa Rica. Although they reside in Costa Rica, their field of ministry takes them throughout the Central American region. Obeying the call of missions on their life, the Oeder’s moved to Costa Rica, and after a year of language studies, they are now actively working to reach souls for Christ. They feel their calling is to disciple new Christians in their walk with the Lord. Working with teams from the U.S. and the Costa Rican national church is also a great part of this ministry. Your prayers and support will help the Oeders accomplish their vision as they fulfill their calling to the Kingdom of God.
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Called to the ministry at age 15, Raeha began her journey to fulfill her call. The journey brought her to serve as a missionary in Northwest China along the Yellow River. Building friendships with the Chinese people, she is sharing and revealing the light of Jesus in a dark place. Raeha hopes to continue to shine and reap a harvest from the seeds planted by Christ’s love.