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Prayer Ministry

What is iWIN?

The italic 'i' stands for IPHC which is leaning on prayer, World Intercession Network. This indicates the dependence of our ministries on prayer. The vision of iWIN is to connect believers to the heart of God through prayer as we intercede for the nations.

When was iWIN organized?

A World Intercession Network committee was established in November of 1982. This charter committee was organized to pray for IPHC missionaries and the ministries of the church. A WIN office was established in Oklahoma City at the Resource Development Center in 1990. In 2006, WIN was changed to iWIN to indicate the vital necessity of prayer for the mission of the IPHC.

What does iWIN do?

The ministry of iWIN promotes prayer through local churches and in cooperation with many national prayer ministries. iWIN is committed to training intercessors and providing resources to generate a fresh enthusiasm for prayer.

Who can participate in iWIN?

Any Christian interested in a lifestyle of committed prayer for God's world is invited to participate. Watch the iWIN website for upcoming prayer initiatives, a monthly prayer focus and other materials to encourage you as you lead your church in prayer or as an individual prayer warrior.

Just Pray About It

Steve and Hallie Brown As a teenager I can remember sitting in Sunday School class and hearing my teacher say, "we just need to pray about it." I didn't want to pray about it, I wanted to do something about "it", regardless of what "it" was. Prayer seemed like a waste of a young man's time. I loved the worship and the preaching in church, but I didn't see the importance of prayer. I thought that great worship and great preaching could solve anyone's problem. Now don't get me wrong. Great church worship and dynamic preaching are essential to church growth and health. There is, however, no substitute for prayer! The older I get and the farther on in ministry I go, I see that prayer really brings change in the lives of people.

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