Conference News

New Book — Jesus, the “One and Only” — by Bishop Tunstall

Jesus-One-and-Only-adBishop Tunstall has just released Volume 1 of a new series of books studying the gospel of John in depth. Volume 2 is scheduled to come out in early 2014. Bishop Jimmy Whitfield, of the North Carolina Conference, says this book "should be required reading for every minister." Bishop Chris Thompson, of Evangelism USA, recommends pastors freely distribute it in their congregations. We think you'll agree that Pastor Frank has produced another masterpiece!

Free gift!

A free copy of this book will be given to each Heartland minister who attends the Fall Summit (camp meeting) with Mark Rutland, October 23-27, 2013. Other excerpts will follow in the weeks ahead.

Jesus, the “One and Only” Can be ordered online:

Read Excerpt

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