Conference News

ReFuel — Spring 2017

Move It Forward!

ReFuel Spring 2017

Every church and every believer has five kingdom purposes. Do you know them, and are you accomplishing them?

What: District training for pastors, leaders and church workers.

When & Where:

Mountain Sunday, March 5 Celebration Church, Lawton, OK
Red River Monday, March 6 Westgate PH, Ardmore, OK
Metro and Valley Tuesday, March 7 God of No Limits, Oklahoma City, OK
Plains Sunday, March 19 Abundant Life, Enid, OK
Hispanic Monday, March 20 Vision Familiar Downtown, Oklahoma City, OK
Blue Sky and Canyon Tuesday, March 21 New Covenant Church, Lookeba, OK


6:30 pm Snacks
7:00 pm Training and Impartation
9:00 pm Head home!

Who: Presenters are Stuart Sherrill, Terry Lowder and Hallie Brown

Why: It's easy to get in a defensive mode in doing church. When this happens, we focus on maintaining or not moving too far backward.

God has given us offensive weapons. He wants His kingdom and His churches moving forward. We'll look at the five key purposes of the church and ask the Lord for fresh vision of how we can move forward.

Pastors, leaders and church workers will all benefit from this strategic time together in a holy huddle. The result should be churches moving forward for positive Kingdom yardage! Don't miss it!

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