Conference News

Summer Summit 2016

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  • The Anderson Road Exit is closed on I-40, so there is no access to the Retreat Center from Anderson Road on I-40 or I-240. You must take an alternate route! Get directions here.


    Want your ministry and church to go further and faster? Make sure that you are doing things as a team instead of all alone in ministry! Summer Summit is always a powerful time, and this year has a powerful purpose. We want God’s ministers, leaders and people to receive the information, encouragement and impartation they need to do more in God’s kingdom.

    Jim and Peggy Eby share a lifetime of experience in raising up leaders and establishing new churches. Bob Ely is known revival fire. Our morning speakers will bring new insight on various topics. We are also planning on some incredible times of worship with Matt Peck & Band and Tara Tramel & One Voice. There’s plenty of time for fellowship and fun as well. As always complimentary breakfast and lunch is provided.

    Be sure and click the links for speakers and schedule to see more. Make your plans now to attend!

  • Speakers

    Jim Eby
    Jim Eby
    Peggy Eby
    Peggy Eby

    Jim & Peggy Eby

    Prior to founding Mission Catalyst, Pastor Eby served as Bishop of the New Horizons Conference (IPHC), giving oversight to more than 100 churches and 300 ministers in the southern USA.

    Jim has a passion to get the Gospel to the two billion people and 7,000 unreached people groups who have yet to hear the message of Jesus Christ for even the first time and to see men and women in leadership around the world released into the fullness of God’s plan for their lives. He spent several years in London, England, serving as the Executive Director of the Centre for International Christian Ministries which trained church leaders from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Pastor Eby has an earned Master’s Degree in Church Growth and Revitalization from Southwestern Christian University. Eby has traveled in more than 50 countries preaching and teaching the message of Christ and helping to train leaders. Pastor Eby has also served as an Associate Trainer for John Maxwell’s EQUIP organization.

    Married for more than 40 years, Jim and his wife Peggy have three married children and thirteen grand-children. They reside in Conroe, TX (a suburb of Houston) from where they operate Mission Catalyst International. In addition to their ministry in missions, the Ebys also do leadership training seminars, women’s conferences and marriage retreats. Both Jim & Peggy are excellent preachers and teachers and are in wide demand for speaking engagements around the world. Jim’s book World Impacting Churches (10 Essential Characteristics for Changing the World & Finishing The Great Commission) has drawn rave reviews from pastors and ministry leaders around the world. It is now published in six languages.

    Bob Ely
    Bob Ely

    Bob Ely

    Bob was born and raised in Anadarko, OK. Edith was born and raised in Norman, OK. Both came from divorced (broken) families. Bob was raised Nazarene and Edith Pentecostal. They met at the 1st Pentecostal Holiness Church in Norman, OK, where Edith was attending and Bob was saved, sanctified, baptized with the Holy Spirit and called to preach. They were married in that church on March 27, 1965. Edith worked as a medical transcriptionist/secretary so Bob could finish college. He attended the University of Oklahoma for two years, graduating from Southwestern College (now Southwestern Christian University) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion in 1967.

    Out of their union two children, Steve and Stephanie and five grandchildren, Jessica, Talmadge, Jennifer, Devin and Jayden were born. Edith has faithfully supported Bob in all ministry endeavors for more than 44 years, especially in administrative/secretarial work and in her own singing ministry. In March 2014, they will celebrate 49 years of marriage and ministry together.

    Bob brings wealth of ministry experience to the table. He has effectively ministered on local and national levels. He pastored two churches (University PH in Norman, Ok and First PH in Apache, OK). He has served as Conference Church Education Ministries Director (Pioneered the CEM Dept. in the West Oklahoma Conference), and Conference Superintendent (elected at 28 years of age, Bob served 12 years as Superintendent of West OK Conference). On the national level he has served on several denominational boards, including the General Board of Administration, the General Executive Board, Church Institutions Board, Evangelism USA Board, General Retirement Board (where he helped restructure the denominational program), several task force study committees, and President of the National Association of Pentecostal Holiness Evangelists. He was President of Southwestern Christian University for eleven years. He has also traveled extensively as a full-time evangelist.


  • Schedule

    Here's a list of what you can expect at Summer Summit 2016!

    Saturday, June 4 — Hispanic Night

    5:00 pm Hispanic-themed Dinner (all invited, but you must register)
    6:00 pm Noche de Hispanos (Hispanic night — all invited to attend)

    Sunday, June 5

    6:00 pm

    Praise and Worship: Matt Peck & Band

    GO Rally and Vision

    Bishop's Reception: Everyone invited as we honor SCU alumni

    Monday, June 6

    7:30 am Prayer
    8:30 am Breakfast
    9:30 am

    Praise and Worship: Tara Light & One Voice

    Session 1: Debbie Burpo

    Session 2: Jim & Peggy Eby

    12:30 pm


    • Women and Girls: Christmas for Missionaries
    • Men and Boys: Cookout
    1:30 pm Ministers’ Wives/Lady Ministers Dessert Fellowship
    7:00 pm

    School of Ministry Graduation

    Praise and Worship: Matt Peck & Band

    Speaker: Jim Eby

    Concessions and fellowship

    Tuesday, June 7

    7:30 am Prayer
    8:30 am Breakfast
    9:30 am

    Praise and Worship: Tara Light & One Voice

    Session 1: Greg Whitlow

    Session 2: Jim & Peggy Eby

    12:30 pm

    Christmas for Missionaries Picnic Lunch —
    Hosted by Men's Ministries & Women's Ministries

    7:00 pm

    Praise and Worship: Matt Peck & Band

    Speaker: Peggy Eby

    Concessions and Fellowship

    Wednesday, June 8

    7:30 am Prayer
    8:30 am Breakfast
    9:30 am

    Praise and Worship: Tara Light & One Voice

    Session 1: Jackson Lahmeyer/Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade

    Session 2: Bob Ely

    12:30 pm Lunch
    Afternoon Family Fun Day
    7:00 pm

    Praise and Worship: Matt Peck & Band

    Speaker: Bob Ely


    Concessions and Fellowship

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