Summit 2023
What a blessing it is to have Rev. Bill Rose and Rev. John Price speaking to us this year. They will be preaching in the evenings and sharing new insights for Healthy, Growing, Multiplying Churches. Healthy, Growing, Multiplying — three of the top words we want to describe our churches!
Our Theme this year is Eyes to See! God wants us to see His vision for our communities, people that are ready to receive the gospel, fresh strategies to reach them, and so much more.
Everyone is invited. You will enjoy the worship and evening services, and childcare is provided in the evenings. Pastors, ministers, and leaders in particular will benefit from the morning sessions. It all starts Wednesday evening. Thursday and Friday will include morning sessions in addition to the evening worship services. You can call the office to reserve a dorm room if you like, and there are several inexpensive hotels available close to the Retreat Center.
Bill Rose
Bill Rose is the lead pastor of “The First Church” in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Heis a native of southeastern NC. He is a graduate of Holmes Bible College and has served at The First Church for 29 years. He and his wife, Lynne have a son, Bill Jr., a daughter, Summer, a son, Paul, and a daughter, Sophia Grace.
Bill Rose is the Director of HGM for the IPHC. He has led in developing the material Small Churches Churches Make a Big Difference. This is an incredible answer to prayer because many of you have told me that the IPHC doesn’t have anything that helps churches your size. Now we do!
John Price
John Price is the Senior Pastor of Mountain Gap Church in The Rock, Georgia. With over 25 years of pastoral experience, John is dedicated to the task of carrying the good news of the Gospel, shepherding the lost and raising up the next generation for Christ!
Pastor John and his wife Selina have been married for 31 years, they have three beautiful daughters and 3 grandchildren.
He is also the HGM Director for Lifepoint Ministries. He has been very successful in networking pastors together into peer communities that encourage and challenge one another to great levels of Kingdom advancement.
Wednesday, May 31
7:00 pm Worship: Rodrigo Rivas
Speaker: Bill RoseThursday, June 1
7:30 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Breakfast — Complimentary 9:30 am Morning Worship 9:50 am Session 1 — Bill Rose 11:00 am Break 11:20 am Session 2 — John Price 12:30 pm Lunch — Complimentary Luncheon for Ministers’ Wives and Lady Ministers in Edmond 7:00 pm Worship: Rodrigo Rivas
Speaker: John PriceFriday, June 2
7:30 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Breakfast — Complimentary 9:30 am Morning Worship 9:50 am Session 3 — Bill Rose 11:00 am Break 11:20 am Session 4 — John Price 12:30 pm Lunch — Complimentary 7:00 pm Worship: Rodrigo Rivas
Speaker: Bill Rose
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