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ReFuel — Spring 2017

Move It Forward!

ReFuel Spring 2017

Every church and every believer has five kingdom purposes. Do you know them, and are you accomplishing them?

What: District training for pastors, leaders and church workers.

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Spring 2016

ReFuelReFuel = a special blend of district fellowship, teaching, vision, prayer and encouragement for church pastors, leaders, and workers!

Why on earth would anyone push a car instead of drive it? Oh yes, people have to push cars when they run out of gas. That’s why one of the earliest lessons drivers learn is to watch the gas gauge and stop for gas before running out.

Many pastors, leaders and workers can testify about feeling like they are pushing their ministry instead of driving at times. Again, the difference is fuel — spiritual fuel. God did not design us to go far in ministry without spiritual refueling.

Don’t run your ministry on fumes!

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Ministers and Spouses’ Retreat 2016

Quartz Mountain Resort and Lodge — April 22 – 23, 2016

“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”

–Mark 6:31

Quartz Mountain LodgeAfter a specially hectic season of ministry for Jesus’ disciples, He called them aside for a time of rest. At the Heartland 2014 Quadrennial Conference, our delegates voted to relaunch our Annual Care and Share Retreat for this same purpose. Our 2016 date and location is set, and we invite our ministers and their spouses to a relaxing time away from the constant call of the ministry. It’s time to make your reservation for this special weekend!

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SCU Feast of Ingathering

Southwestern Christian UniversityLet's support our university!

Southwestern Christian University is our university. As one of the premier IPHC institutions, SCU has been training students for ministry and many other careers for many years. SCU is a tremendous Christian liberal arts college training students to serve with integriy and deep-rooted spirituality in a variety of career fields. To determine how deep the relationship between SCU, the Heartland Conference and the IPHC is, you only have to attend one of our churches to bump into someone who has attended/graduated from there. Historically, many of our pastors come from these hallowed halls of learning and preparation.

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Pastor Appreciation

Pastor AppreciatioA Time to Honor Pastors

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Different churches designate different Sundays for Pastor Appreciation Day, but the important thing is for your church to pick a Sunday that works for you and your pastor’s schedule. You know that pastors are a gift from Jesus Christ to His body! We are called to honor our leaders at all times, but this one day can be especially affirming for your pastor and his

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