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Fresh Expressions Midwest Vision Day

Older Church BuildingOctober 29, 2022
9:30am - 3:30pm

Heartland Conference Retreat Center

In the midst of a rapidly changing ministry landscape, Fresh Expressions invites you to join us for a day of envisioning the unique ways the Holy Spirit might be inviting you to step deeper into mission.

In this interactive day of training you will:

Read more: Fresh Expressions Midwest Vision Day

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Diaper Run 2022 and Life Rally

Diaper-Run.jpgHeartland Conference Retreat Center

Thursday, September 15, 2022 — 7:00 pm
4910 S Anderson Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73150

You believe in life! Now it’s time to help those young women who make the difficult decision to carry their babies to term!

Read more: Diaper Run 2022 and Life Rally

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Ministers and Spouses’ Retreat 2022

Retreat logo


The Shepherd leads me beside waters of rest
and restores my soul!

King David in Psalm 23

Ministers and Spouses’ Retreat

The Thompson Lodge of Falls Creek Baptist camp (in Davis, OK)

Friday and Saturday, March 25 – 26, 2020
(If at all possible come a day early on Thursday, March 24)

Ministers need time for rest and refreshing. Shepherds need the tender care of the Shepherd to restore their souls to a place of wholeness. Our 8th Annual Ministers & Spouses’ Retreat is just such a time!

Online registration

Read more: Ministers and Spouses’ Retreat 2022

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Prayer and Fasting

Prayer and Fasting, January 7, 2022

The Heartland Conference Executive Council invites you to join with us the first Friday in 2022, January 7, as we fast and pray for God’s renewed hand upon our conference and nation!

Feel free to fast a meal or the entire day.

Suggested topics of prayer include:

  • Rebuilding of churches, lives, and community — many churches have seen their attendance dramatically decrease, lives have been decimated, and many communities are declining. Let’s be the generation that rebuilds in prayer and action!
  • The church to find renewed mission — may God grant us a renewed vision and strategy for evangelism and discipleship.
  • COVID-19 — the world, our nation, and even the church have spent enough time arguing about how to navigate this epidemic. Let’s cry out in humble repentance and ask God to lift this plague off of our nation and world!
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First Steps to Becoming a House of Prayer for All Nations

House of Prayer for All NationsWe are on a journey for our churches to become Houses of Prayer for All Nations. As we restore prayer to the position of priority it held in the early church, God will once again display a church of character and power to the world!

To help Heartland churches become Houses of Prayer for All Nations, we have five leaders who are being trained and Certified as Prayer Force coaches: Stuart and Sheri Sherrill, Terry Lowder, Steve Brown, and Dustin Gardner. Any of us leaders would love to work with you and your church in this process.

Read more: First Steps to Becoming a House of Prayer for All Nations

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